Insights and Advisory Services
Applying insights to solve training challenges
Airline Cadet Recruiting
Meeting airline capacity expansion plans means finding the right mix of candidates and training non-traditional candidates at the right price.
Our recruiting tools help you locate highly-qualified non-traditional candidates such as helicopter pilots, tilt-rotor pilots, and aircrew. Finding the candidates you need and minimizing cost can accelerate your human resources goals.

Aviation Subject Matter Experts
Requirements development, curriculum building, and solving sustainment problems demand the right answers. Our teammates' experience in the cockpit, as DoD administrators, and as experts from leading aviation consultancies can help.
Find out how our highly-qualified aviation subject matter experts can help you solve training, aviation MRO, and sustainment problems.
Anti-submarine Warfare Experts
Advances in equipment, sensors, and command and control (C2) are changing the face of submarine hunting. Our subject matter experts can help you develop the next generation of ASW capabilities.
Our teammates are experienced ASW aviators, theater ASW Battle Watch Captains, and acoustic sensor operators. With deep experience in airborne ASW and C2, we can provide expert advisory services, assist in CONOPS development, and build training material and curricula.